Friday, August 28, 2009

We've got a first grader!!

Well, I'm happy to report that Anna made it through her first week of school! It was a little touch-and-go there the week before. When I asked her if she was excited about going back to school she quicky replied "NO!" Then, "I want to rub my hands in poison ivy and go to the doctor so I don't have to go to school!" First of all, the girl has never had poison ivy in her life. If she had she would realize what an incredibly STUPID wish this is because there are not many things more miserable than having poison ivy - including going to school! Second of all, she HATES going to the doctor so she must be really serious.
Personally, I think this strong reaction to going back to school is just a reaction to the impending Disney channel withdrawl...

Good morning Sunshine!

Fortunately, the Froot Loops and OJ were enough to put her in a good mood for the start of school. She was even completely cooperative with having her picture taken.

Chris stayed around long enough for us all to walk Anna to school - our first day of school tradition. We love being able to walk. It reminds me of my chilhood when I walked to my elementary school.

Ready to learn!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Yea! Anna! And look at that hair! Ya'll are going to be able to donate another ponytail soon!