Monday, October 29, 2007

Anna's new word

Anna is venturing out and trying new words. The word of late is "bored" or "boring". It seems to be creeping up a lot lately. I'm afraid the teenage years will be here sooner than I think.
She can give a good example of what "bored" means (e.g., when you go to a class and do the same thing every week it is boring). But sometimes she dosen't use it quite right. Here are some of the examples she's used lately in our conversations.

Me: Anna, why did you take your clip and pony tail holder out of your hair?
Anna: It was boring.

Anna: Mom, I'm just getting bored waiting for Christmas! I want that camera and pony now!

I can't think of the others right now but when they come to me I'll add them to the list. It will be fun for her to read these later!

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