Thursday, May 8, 2008

We have a playground in our backyard!

The kids have been soooo excited about their new swingset. Well, it's not "new" but new to us - you know what I mean. Aunt Kelli's friend Andrea and her family are getting a new patio/pool in their backyard and were getting rid of their swingset. Yay for us! The kids have been out in the backyard everyday - they are having so much fun.

Thanks so much to Andrea, Terry, Daddy, Uncle Mike and Aunt Kelli :)

The swingset even evokes sibling cooperation apparently. I highly recommend one to anyone with children who fight with each other alot (like mine!) If I would have known I would have bought one before I even had kids :)
Luke is the spectator -for now. He seems to really enjoy being outside. It doesn't bother him if its hot - he just looks around for awhile then takes a nap.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Lots of points for this one... That is awesome, you didn't have to spend the three days putting it together and you did something for the environment by getting something used. I'm so going to be looking for a deal like this.