Thursday, May 8, 2008

Guess who lost her first tooth???

I can't believe my baby has lost her first tooth! I've been (not so) silently dreading it since we first noticed it start to wiggle. I am freaked out about loose teeth to put it lightly. I hate, hate, hate them! Today it was really moving around in there. I managed to get a quick picture while it was still in her mouth. Then I frantically prayed for Chris to hurry up and get home before it fell out or needed assistance coming out. Anna was starting to get a little nervous herself. It bled a little at one point because she bumped it. I really started to sweat. I have no idea how I'm going to make it through the rest of her teeth falling out, then Jaden's, then Luke's...

1 comment:

Dana said...

Congratulations Anna! Emma has been trying desperately to make one of her front teeth wiggle. I have a feeling it's going to be a while considering she got her teeth pretty late to start with. I wish I was near to take care of those loose teeth for you ;0).