Anna is definitely into making "projects" lately. She's a very crafty kid so, this was right up her ally. After working on one of the projects I had read about using finger paints Anna decided to make her own. I was very proud. She made a couple of Valentines all by herself. I did absolutely nothing. Well, except tell her how to spell "love". She cut, glued, colored, and wrote all by herself. It was very sweet.
Even though Jaden is "all boy" he doesn't really like to be dirty - at least not his hands. I had to keep a wet washcloth nearby for frequent cleanings.
Jaden thought he would experiment with the paint. The first place he tried was actually his mouth but that didn't work out to well. Next, was himself. Eventually, after much coaxing and instruction, he stuck to the paper! Thank goodness for non-toxic, washable finger paints. At least I think they're non-toxic!