Monday, November 5, 2007

Jaden's 15 month (well, 16 month actually) check up

Jaden had his 15 month check up today. I guess it is actually a 16 month check up since we were out of town when his last appointment was scheduled. He is definitely growing and is on track developmentally too. It's such a relief because when you have an early baby you can't help but worry about whether they will catch up or if they will have some difficulties. This guy has been very blessed. He is 34 inches tall and weighs 27 pounds (that's why I'm so tired! But I should be skinner from carrying him around all the time!). The nurse who measured him was training another nurse during our visit. She explained that he was in the 95th percentile and that was considered "above average". I was thinking about how he really should only be 14 months and wondered if they would have had to create a new category to put him in because he's so big! Would he be in the "really above average" category? "Gigantic" category? We're just happy that he's growing and moving along like he should. Now, if he would just start to talk more so he could whine and cry less...

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