Saturday, October 24, 2009

Leapin Lizards!

We are being taken over by critters down here! Thank goodness the roaches are staying away for now but we've been noticing lots more bees and crazy little lizards. I didn't realize that these ugly things actually change colors. Just another way to freak me out even more when I see something move that I didn't expect!
But of course the boys are fascinated. They followed this little guy around for a good 15 minutes. They would get brave and move in a little closer, then a little more. Then they would grab whatever stick or bat or ball happened to be laying close by and whack the table then hurry up and run away as the lizard scurried around. It was great entertainment ;)


1 comment:

Dana said...

That's funny. I forget how foreign some things are to people that were raised in different areas of the country. Do ya'll have blue tailed lizards there? Those were the ones that Adam couldn't believe and he was raised in Florida!