Monday, July 27, 2009

Jaden was sooo excited to get a new "big boy" bike for his birthday. He did so well riding it - we were really impressed. He rode that thing for about 2 straight hours! I'm not even kidding. He mostly did circles around our cul-de-sac but we also took a ride around the neighborhood. Well, I walked and Chris rode his bike pulling Anna and Luke in the little attachment thing-a-ma-bob that they can sit in. Jaden got to call all the shots as far as where we would turn. He was so cute. He can be seen out riding any chance he gets. I'm sure he'll be wearing it out as soon as the weather gets a little more bearable. It's still pretty darn hot for most of the day.
I don't know if you can see in the picture but this is a Tony Hawk bike and it's got pegs on the front wheels. I just think that's hilarious that a bike made for a little one with training wheels would actually be equipped for tricks. Who knows? He is always surprising us. Maybe one day you'll find a post with pictures of Jaden getting fancy with his new wheels.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Yea! I know it took Emma a while to get the peddling down. Boys are so much more mechanically inclined. Adam has been trying to teach Emma how to ride her bike without training wheels. Not so much luck. You just reminded me that I had taken a video of that.. it's hilarious. I need to get that posted.