- He can roll over both ways!
On this day he was sooo mad because he wanted to get up but he had still had to roll!
- He got a tooth! He's already bit me several times. I hope that I can stop him from doing this or his nursing days are numbered.
- He started eating cereal and a little banana.
- He can sit up! (I just realized this the day he turned 5 months).
Here are his stats:
- 21 pounds 9 ounces! Greater than 97th percentile
- wearing size 4 or 5 diapers! Just for a point of reference: he was wearing size 2 when we left Texas. By the end of July he was in 4's.
- wearing size 12 months but quickly inching out of those. I am pulling out clothes that Jaden wore only last summer for Luke already!
- Still super cute!!!
Jaden and Anna also got to see the doctor for their 2 year and 5 year well-child check-ups. They both got good reports as well. Little Jaden had to get a shot along with Lukey (who got 3!). I wish that I had taken a pictures of him showing us his "ouchie". He showed anyone who would look his little Wylie E. Coyote band-aid and told them "ouch" - all day!
Jaden was 36 inches tall and 32 pounds.
Anna was 48 inches tall and 54 pounds.
Your heavy weight boy is outweighing my dainty little girl. Your milk must be pure cream. He's adorable.
About my post.. Let me know if I messed up any of the details.
I love you!
WOW! I can't believe how big he is! I thought Landin was a big boy, but I just recently looked at his stats and at 5 mos he was 18 pounds 4 ounces. Right now Anna and Kian are bascically the same size! He is 49.5 inches and 55 pounds.
Great pix, I just got my 50 mm
F 1.8 lens.
Love ya!
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