Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tooting my own horn!

I am soo excited to report that I made it through my first week all by myself with all three kids! I've been pretty spoiled the last few weeks. My mom came down a few days before Luke was born and stayed for two weeks. Then, my Aunt and Uncle came down a few days before my mom left and stayed for 10 days. I didn't have to cook or clean or do laundry or change dirty toddler diapers! I am very lucky (and believe me, I realize it!) to have such wonderful family. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
I was very nervous about going from having so much help and lots of company to being alone with all of the responsibility. I thought it might be a difficult adjustment - especially with a very active toddler and and newborn who gets up all through the night. We all made it through with flying colors. I managed to get myself clean every morning (a major feat for me), get Anna to school on time, keep everyone fed, diapered, and napped, registered Anna for kindergarten (and they even made me come back two days in a row - double the effort!), AND took Jaden to Kindermusic class with Luke in the Baby Bjorn (still had to sit on the floor with Jaden in my lap and carry him when we did things standing up - he shows me no mercy). Somehow I also managed to cook supper a few nights and kept the house in some semblance of an order (don't ask me how). I know that doesn't sound like much but at this time in my life its a really big deal. Now I will be rewarded with the company of my husband for a whole week!!!


Dana said...

You forgot to mention all the nursing and pumping sessions and how you somehow managed to get three children still for beautiful pictures and then posted them on your blog which has a new layout that looks fabulous. Oh and you did all of that and still managed to listen to your stressed friend fret over her upcoming move and selling her house. Yep, you get the mother of the year award!

I'll be waiting to hear if your husband's company for a week is actually an award or if he's more work than the three children LOL.

Dana said...

Go listen to the first song on my playlist. The song that you have here reminded me of it. Grab some kleenex.